Summer at the lake. That phrase brings a flood of memories to mind for many families. For the Renwick family, the grandchildren will remember kayaking without adults, water fights with grandma, afternoon peanut butter sandwiches on grandma’s bread, Superhero hide and seek, and so many more activities that remind them of summer. Their family photography on Kootenay Lake will be ever more special when they can see the adventures they remember, and how their relationships were forged along that lake.
I’ve had the honour to photograph the Renwick family on many occasions, but this session was particularly important because it brought together the whole extended family in their favourite location. It was just before the latest granddaughter was born, so there was a reflection on what their lives were like at this stage. It’s also when the three grandsons are just starting to venture into the lake on their own with the kayaks and stand up paddle boards, memories they’ll continue to build all throughout their childhood and into adulthood.
When I make family photos, I’m very conscious that you’re hiring to me to document your real life, your values, and your memories. Family photography is part of your family history. It’s for you to enjoy, but it’s also for your future generations to reflect on, and to share with their kids after you’re gone.
This family photography on Kootenay Lake is as much about the Renwick family’s summer on that day, as it is about how they will remember ALL their summers. I would bet that when these boys grow up, these photos will bring them back to these formative moments and it will be something they’ll want not only for themselves, but for their own kids.
If you want family photography that is less about the photo and more about the family, please get in touch me. I would love to hear all about what you want to share with your kids and their kids.